A Lifetime of Scholarship
I began school around age 4, like most other preschoolers. I then proceeded to continue school until the age of 27, receiving assorted degrees. And then after I finally graduated, there was still the sticky issue of licensure. Not being licensed has relegated me to a not-yet-finished, student-like state of being. I must say I've been pretty good at studenthood: I know how to study, write, play nice, and use my inside voice. I also make excellent PB&J sandwiches.
I'm proud to say, however, that I am finally, finally done with all that. Today I passed my final licensing exam, which means that all that studying I've been doing all my life, and, in particular, for the last several months, paid off. Once I receive notice from the Board of Psychology and send them a fat check, I'll be licensed. Which means that I don't really need to study anything or go to classes for the rest of my life.
As God as my witness, I will never be graded again.