Helga's Big Adventure

From the Bay Area to the Bay State

Monday, June 30, 2008

Forgive me Blogger, for I have sinned

It's been nearly 3 months since my last post.

I know. All 3 people who read this have been wondering what happened. And if I were a more motivated person, I would probably have posted something to say that I wouldn't be posting for a while. But I've really not felt like it. And so, the avoidance.

I've been thinking about what, if anything, I want to keep doing with this blog. In some ways, the idea of "Helga's Big Adventure" doesn't seem applicable anymore. It's not like I'm going anywhere. I recently started a new job (which really cuts into my blogging time, let me tell you). This means that I don't really have any vacation accrued. So Todd and I have no vacation plans in the near future. No travel adventures there. Also, in my line of work, I spend all day talking to people and, with the new job, a whole lot of time on the computer. So the last thing I want to do in my spare time is spend more time on the computer having to come up with something witty to write.

Also, my life in general doesn't seem all that adventurous. I work at either Job 1 or Job 2, neither of which I can really blog about. I've been somewhat out of running commission because of my injured leg. But this is changing -- I just did a 5K yesterday and, although I was slower than before I was injured, I was not in pain. So, good stuff. But still, I guess I've lately been feeling like I've got nothing blogworthy to say. I guess I could re-title my blog and take the adventure out of it. But my blogging avoidance is beyond just a title issue.

Several months ago, my mother asked me how Kjerste was doing, and I realized I didn't know because she hadn't blogged in a while. And I felt lame. Sometimes I think I rely too much on blogs and don't pick up the damn phone. I think it might be better to spend time really catching up with the people I care about.

So stay tuned. I may keep on blogging or I may not. You'll figure it out if you read another post any time soon.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Yes, I think Helga should take "Adventure" out and and just keep "Helga's Big fill-in-the-blank." It could be Big Hair, Big Extensions, Big Booty, Big Botoxed Lips... ;)

1:04 PM  

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