Helga's Big Adventure

From the Bay Area to the Bay State

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The first nice day

Today was the first really nice day of spring. It was about 70 degrees and it felt delicious. All the light and heat made me feel kind of giddy and crazed, and it makes me realize just how much more I appreciate the seasons living here than in California. I spent the day reigning in the desire to raise my arms to the sky in thanks. Well, mostly reigning it in. And looking at my pale, pale, PALE arms makes me think that I probably have some kind of Vitamin D deficiency. Don't shine a black light on me!

I'm not the only one who is made manic by the sun. The streets are filled with people coming out of hibernation and enjoying this one nice day. Its like a colony of ant-people broke open and released its contents onto the streets. It's supposed to be 20 degrees cooler tomorrow. Better enjoy it now.

Yeah, this post is all about the weather. I'd apologize for my lack of imagination, but I don't feel like it. I got to wear flip-flops today.


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