Helga's Big Adventure

From the Bay Area to the Bay State

Friday, November 30, 2007

Yeah, I know....

I've been silent for a while. You'd think I'd have more to say, given that I'm still unemployed and still have plenty of TV channels to watch when I am not frantically looking for jobs. But let me say that days spent in front of the computer, on the phone, or updating one's resume are just not that exciting. And they are surprisingly stressful for me, since I feel like I should have something all set up by now. And I really hate the word should.

But on to better things:

One bit of recent excitement was attending my 10th high school reunion. My girlz and I hemmed and hawed and shopped and stressed about what to wear as though we were actually still in high school. And then, when we got there, it was like we were, since everybody cliqued up the way they always did back then. Like, Kjerste, I was surprised by how few people outside of my own clique with whom I actually spoke. I was also surprised by the random former classmate who decided to sing along with a couple of songs. Why was he singing? Who let him in? I didn't hear anything about karaoke! It was a bit surreal. But hey, don't take my word for it: Take Kjerste's. Because one of the benefits of not blogging right away about the reunion is that somebody else will do it for you.

And that is all for now. I'm open to taking suggestions for blog topics, though, to moisten my dry spell. So suggest.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

He's been at this before

So, apparently my favorite subway performer likes his pop princesses. Here he is in action, singing some Pink, about a month ago. I think there's a little less avid dancing here than what I was lucky enough to see in person.

Thank you, YouTube.

Friday, November 09, 2007

I really do need a camera phone

I saw something wonderful this evening in the Park Street station (that's a subway stop, for my non-Boston readers -- oh wait! That's nearly all of you!) It was a street performer of a special sort. Picture it: A middle-aged, paunchy, balding white guy. He's wearing a microphone headset (which reminds me of Madonna's Blond Ambition tour) and has a stereo. On it, he is playing this song:

He has the balance on his stereo set such that you can only barely hear Britney singing. Because he's singing. And shaking his ass. And flailing his arms a bit and gyrating his hips ("dancing"). He seems impervious to the laughter of the crowd on the platform around him.

I think this may be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I was sad when my train came and even sadder that I don't have a camera phone so I could get a picture.

And that, kids, is the benefit of public transportation.