This has been a stressful week at work. And its only Wednesday. Everybody seems to have a crisis. To add to my stress this morning there were train issues. I waited on the platform for half an hour, due to some track switching problem that was causing delays. Stupid commuter rail. When the train finally came (right as I was about to give up and walk back home to get the car to drive to work) I jumped on and waded my way through the irate masses. Then, I heard the conductor announce that this was an express train. Which means that it wouldn't be stopping where I needed to go. Bastards! They must have made it an express train to try to get closer to "on schedule" (as if they are ever truly on schedule). Luckily, I was standing near the door when I heard the announcement, so I hopped off in a sprightly manner and raced home to get the car and drive to work. I only ended up being about 20 minutes late.
When I arrived at work, people needed to talk to me about all sorts of pressing issues as soon as I walked in. Somebody's mom called! Somebody needs meds! Is so-and-so suicidal?! Somehow, I managed not to scream, and this may be because I got some screaming out of my system by listening to (and badly singing along with) the Gossip in the car.
I made it through the day, and at the end, I realized a benefit to having driven to work: I could leave when I was actually ready to leave, without waiting for the train. The office closes at 4:30. Normally, I catch the 5:07 train, and end up at home at around 5:20 (yeah, it's a short ride and walk from the station. I shouldn't complain). Today, I got home before 5pm. And you know what I did? I got into my pajamas and poured a glass of wine. Because it is never too early for pj's. And although there are times when it is too early for a glass of wine, this was so not one of them.