Helga's Big Adventure

From the Bay Area to the Bay State

Friday, April 27, 2007

Let it out!

Several weeks of sleep deprivation and high stress at work have begun to take their toll. I am beginning, ever so slightly, to lose control of myself. For instance:

Just now, when driving home from work, someone cut in front of me. I had an urge, lasting only a few moments, to ram my car into her stupid, stupid car. The reason? Not so much that she cut in front of me, but that she failed to give me a thank-you wave. I yelled at her, of course, from inside my car, which helped me feel better. And then I cut off someone else. Perhaps this means that I'm becoming a Masshole.

I've taken to yelling at the television, especially during Jeopardy. I find some relief in telling Alex Trebek to shut up and to tell the contestants that they are stupid, that they have stupid clothes, that their names are stupid, or that they otherwise should not be allowed out in public. Of course, the fact that I might be watching Jeopardy with any regularity is problematic, and likely means that I'm about ready for retirement. Which is fine with me.

Last Saturday, I cried while hiking. And no, it was not because I sustained a life-threatening injury. There it was, the first really glorious day of spring, and Todd and I decided to do a hike to start getting into the groove for the Inca Trail this summer. The trail was rocky and ill-defined, and I really wasn't having that much fun. Also, 75 degrees felt like an oven, so I was cranky and sweaty. But the last straw was when I stepped in a mud puddle, dirtying my "magic shoes," which are my new running shoes that seem to have magically fixed the problem with my IT band. So I burst into tears. I mentioned this to Kjerste in an e-mail earlier this week, and I said that I wouldn't blog about it because I just felt too stupid. But I am now seeing this as one incident in a general pattern of lame overwhelmed-ness, and I feel the need to confess. I'm letting it out! So there, now you all (what, all 3 of you?) know that I am lame and cry about shoes. What, you wanna say something about it? I didn't think so.

Obviously, I need a glass of wine.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Talk about stupid... You should go to CNN.com and look at video of George Bush dancing with an African Dance Troupe. It's kind of upsetting, but it'll make you chuckle! :)

8:37 PM  
Blogger Christine Staley said...

Screaming at masshole drivers is the only way to deal with them. There's no way to reason with them, so you have to yell. I've been yelling at drivers now since about day 3 of driving in the city...

it's also part of the reason I'm moving to Portland...

And you're not lame for crying about shoes... you're stressed... I would have cried,too,and have in fact cried about lesser things.

When I first started my new position like 2 years ago now)I was so overwhelmed, I cried on a near daily basis or would explode about the tiniest things... Stress is crazy like that.

I took to drinking more wine :) and find that running or going to the gym helps.

and sex. lots and lots of sex.

Feel better!!!!!!!!!

9:17 AM  
Blogger Arethusa said...

I like to cry on public transportation when I get overwhelmed. It's really fun to have people pretend to not be watching you, or clearly talking about you in a foreign language. It's how I get my kicks.

6:11 PM  

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