Helga's Big Adventure

From the Bay Area to the Bay State

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Six Months and Counting

Last night and this morning, I wished more than ever to get out of the suburbs and into the city. Why? Last night, I and many other irate yet resigned passengers waited for a commuter train that was 40 minutes late (my train ride itself is only about 5 minutes). The platform is outside, and if you ever read a newspaper or turn on the TV news (or live here), you know that is was slushy and snowy in Boston yesterday. So I was cold. If I lived in the city, I would be taking the subway, which has more frequent trains and (generally) underground platforms. And that would make me much less irate.

I had planned to dig out the car when I got home, since I knew that the snow and ice would freeze rock-solid by morning, but it was dark and I couldn't feel my hands. I went inside and had some wine instead (okay, this helped with the whole irate thing). This morning, after creeping outside at 5 AM to see that the car was indeed frozen solid, I gave up on the idea of going to the gym and got back in bed. But I had to dig out anyway later, and it was quite a chore. I almost couldn't get the car free from the ice drift into which it was locked. So I guess I got a workout anyway. I just couldn't bring myself to spend more time waiting for the stupid train. And plus, I needed to hit the laundromat tonight, which means I needed the car. If I lived in the city, I would have gym that was on a subway line or within walking distance. And I would probably just leave the car frozen. And laundry? Well, when our lease is up, I'm not doing this driving to the laundromat shit again. Because wherever we live next will have to have laundry in the building or at least right around the corner.

We've lived in the suburbs of Massachusetts for 6 months today. Which means we're halfway through our lease and can dream of apartment shopping soon. Well, I guess we've already been dreaming. What it really means is that soon we can start looking.

Also, weather.com says it's supposed to be 67 degrees in Oakland tomorrow. In Boston it's forecast to be 28 and windy. Excuse me while I shed a tear that will quickly freeze to my cheek.


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