Helga's Big Adventure

From the Bay Area to the Bay State

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hiking up the mountain

On Saturday, Todd and I decided that we would be all hardcore and hike up Mount Wachusett, a local ski area. We packed our backpacks full of heavy books and started driving to the mountain, feeling good about this hike as a preparation for the big hike to Machu Picchu later this month. By even considering doing this hike, we felt big and strong.

Our plans were almost thwarted though, by these people:

Turns out there was a big multi-stage bike race that day, the Fitchburg Longsjo Classic. Some roads were closed and we thought that maybe we wouldn't be able to get to the trails. We persevered, and got to see the riders traveling in herds faster than it would seem possible for humans to go.

This race is apparently a big deal. We heard that during that day, people had gone something like 90 miles. And it wasn't even the last day of the race. We got to the top of the mountain in time to see some of the elite finishers. Yes, the finish line was at the top of the mountain. These people are actually hardcore, whereas Todd and I just like to pretend.

We rooted on the cyclists, took a few pictures, and milled around. Then, we trudged back down the mountain in time for dinner. Because that is the sort of hikers we are.

Also, I had the really annoying Mount Wachusett jingle that I heard in commercials all winter stuck in my head as I hiked. It's been stuck there since. I'm really hoping this clears up before Machu Picchu, or I will end up going insane. Sadly, I can't find the commercial on YouTube, so those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about will just have to take my word for it.


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